Friday, September 22, 2017

The last journey of braces

Visited date: Sept 21st 2017
Payment: RM1150 ( cost of transparent retainer and remove braces)

After such a long time not update anything here.Today i decided to remove braces. Before that, i had already make an appointment. I should know how much cost to remove the braces.One of the assistant told me total cost of retainer. If i refuse to fix the retainer? She told me the teeth will go back to origin.
So i agree to pay total cost $950 talking by phone yesterday.
This morning, the assistant asked me what type of retainer i would like to use. She explained me two types of retainer. One with single wire visible and one with transparent. If transparent type, i need to add another $200.So,i had choose transparent type because it is more easier. Not neccesary to wear all the time. I started to google how the retainer look alike.
The first step, doctor start with cutting down the wire, bracket with plyer. How do i feel? I feel that she taken out my tooth one by one. After that,the process begin with cleaning,polishing,scalling and measuring. Then,moulding for top and bottom teeth to get exact measuring for incoming retainer.
Bye bye braces
Next.. say hello to retainer
What i feel after braces was gone?i feel the surface of my teeth is rough. Even though after brushing.
The next visit to get retainer is Sept 27th 2017.
After that i need to continue the treatmeant once per 6 month.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Visited date: Jan 24th 2017

Black and orange
Hopefully this year may end up my braces journey.
I m getting old...pleaseeee..
Average age for people visiting dental for braces are around 15-30s.I was exceed that level.
Another thing,monthly cost getting increases compare to earlier.
Anyway,i should be satisfy in my teeth condition right now.
Thank you to Dentist.

I will follow up next treatment by Feb 23rd 2017.
Jan 24th 2017-RM150

Friday, January 6, 2017

Still continue my treatment

On Dec 23rd,i was having problem with inner bracket.The bracket has peel out from the position and i didn't captured any photo.How did this happened on me?I had bite a fruit..persimmons and suddenly it stuck at upper side.i've try to remove out by my tounge but then the bracket protrude out.It was really hard to bend the bracket.I have to wait until dental opening hours because still in public holiday.I decide to go to dental visit on Dec 27th 2016.
Here again with red and green theme.
For next visit:January 24th 2017
Payment:Fix to RM150 per visit.