Friday, May 16, 2014

Braces on May - Sept 2014

Sept 24th 2014
I like having fun color on my braces.
This time I'd choose interlace green and black..soldier pattern.
I can see clearly gap visible at the centre.The main purpose for me to do braces is to close the gap nicely..but it doesn't become as what i want.
Wire changed.
Payment RM200
Next visit October 2014

October 2014
I'd make complain to doctor what happened to the gap.He just fix by changing wire.This time he also change pattern of tightening.No more piece by piece.Rubber was intact each other and i could't choose interlace color.normally changing wire will cost me RM200..but today he didn't charge it.
Payment RM100
Next visit Nov and Dec 2014..each month RM100.

I was skip my treatment visit on Oct 2013,Feb & April 2014

Nov 2013 RM100
Jan 2014  RM100
Mar 2014 RM100
May 2014 RM200
Next June 24,2014 (3 years)

I came for visit on May 6th 2014.My previous appointment was March 11th.
On May 13th,one of my bracket was peel out from the position.Quite hard to chew any food.but Doctor was at outstation on April.and all appointment will be postponed.. that thing happened while I was outside from Malaysia.I have no idea how to cut it out or seek any dentist there.

So..on May 6th,Doctor had removed old wire and fix a new bracket which was peel out before.

Those sharp point hit my inner lips.i have to be careful during eating time.

 Extra strength was tighten at this area..Very painful..Feel uneasy for a few days.