Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Braces on May-Sept 2013

May-Oct 2013

May 30th - RM100
June 25th - RM100
July 29th - RM100
Aug 27th  - RM100
Sept 26th - RM100
Next appointment on Oct 29th

I was quite busy and lazy to update my braces progressing..due to little tiny changes on my teeth.Between May-Oct 2013,there's not much changes on top or bottom.
At remove previous rubber at bottom.Top already changed to green.

Done..Green and orange.Nickleodeon.

August 2013

Pink n Blue

left side..already intact each other.

Sept 2013
Green on top,yellow on boring.
Gap almost close after 5 months..the movement quite despicable me.
one of my bottom teeth was protrude inside.

If doctor just fix all bracket on my bottom teeth,,I think that could be adjusted.

To close that right stubborn gap..takes longer time than previous gap at the middle of my teeth.So,I have to be more patient..because once we step into"braces world"..there's a "Bond" or turning back.Sometimes,what i think in my mind..why doctor keep on delay the process??On the other positive think.. could be delay due to aging progress.hahahaha...that's truth!!
To get a real beautiful shape...not possible.this is my real teeth at least..not fake,even not as pretty as complete shape.