Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Braces on May-Sept 2013

May-Oct 2013

May 30th - RM100
June 25th - RM100
July 29th - RM100
Aug 27th  - RM100
Sept 26th - RM100
Next appointment on Oct 29th

I was quite busy and lazy to update my braces progressing..due to little tiny changes on my teeth.Between May-Oct 2013,there's not much changes on top or bottom.
At remove previous rubber at bottom.Top already changed to green.

Done..Green and orange.Nickleodeon.

August 2013

Pink n Blue

left side..already intact each other.

Sept 2013
Green on top,yellow on boring.
Gap almost close after 5 months..the movement quite despicable me.
one of my bottom teeth was protrude inside.

If doctor just fix all bracket on my bottom teeth,,I think that could be adjusted.

To close that right stubborn gap..takes longer time than previous gap at the middle of my teeth.So,I have to be more patient..because once we step into"braces world"..there's a "Bond" or turning back.Sometimes,what i think in my mind..why doctor keep on delay the process??On the other positive think.. could be delay due to aging progress.hahahaha...that's truth!!
To get a real beautiful shape...not possible.this is my real teeth at least..not fake,even not as pretty as complete shape.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Treatment on April 2013

Apr 23th 2013
Next visit:May 30th 2013

June 2011-June 2013 will completely 2 years.But if treatment still needed,doctor will extend more..

There's still a big gap at my right view.Progressing was so slow due to not tighten up with wire,just  with rubber.

Not perfectly align.When smiling,I'd noticed that my upper teeth was slightly slanted.

3 months earlier

Currently all bracket at my lower teeth was aligned evenly.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March treatment 2013

March 19th 2013
Tuesday 9am

Today is my 3rd times visit for this year.For lower teeth..nothing to correct much on it.
Normally doctor will ask to "bite". Here.. how do I look when I m biting.

I had no choice to choose which color i like.I was prefer both upper and lower with multiple color.
My right gap pretty close.Hopefully by next month..should be better.

My lower teeth could developed faster than upper teeth.
I like to monitor month by month how the bracket movement.        

 I had asked doctor,did u miss to put bracket here..he told me.."I have another purpose why i didnt put bracket on it ."       

Next appointment:
April 18 2013
Thursday 630pm.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Fixing bracket at bottom teeth

January 29th 2013
9am Tuesday
Payment RM100

I dont captured any picture for January.only rubber changed to light blue.

February 19th 2013
9am Tuesday
Payment RM100

I supposed to came on 830am..but then I was a little bit about 1 hour driving from my kampung ..Perak to Dental at Bayan Baru,Penang.When I reached at 9am,so many patients  at awaiting room.I used to sleep during waiting time.Really sleepy.Sit n Sleep.
11am-1pm---on treatment.
Now doctor going to fix bracket on my bottom teeth.
I didnt remember when was my retainer broken..then,doctor just ask me to throw it away.i supposed to keep that cost about RM600.

side by side view

after 2 days

White Filling to align upper n lower teeth.

  Since both upper n lower teeth with bracket.I feel pain during eating,biting or chewing..even talking so much.I need to slow down chit chat.
My appetite was turn down.I could eat soft nestum,oat,soft with small doesnt matter for a moment.Later on,it will slowly getting better.
I thought last time with upper side bracket..not really pain like this.

March 19th 2013
 9am Tuesday

Fixing bracket at bottom teeth

January 29th 2013
9am Tuesday
Payment RM100

I dont captured any picture for January.only rubber changed to light blue.

February 19th 2013
9am Tuesday
Payment RM100

I supposed to came on 830am..but then I was a little bit about 1 hour driving from my kampung ..Perak to Dental at Bayan Baru,Penang.When I reached at 9am,so many patients  at awaiting room.I used to sleep during waiting time.Really sleepy.Sit n Sleep.
11am-1pm---on treatment.
Now doctor going to fix bracket on my bottom teeth.
I didnt remember when was my retainer broken..then,doctor just ask me to throw it away.i supposed to keep that cost about RM600.

side by side view

after 2 days

White Filling to align upper n lower teeth.

  Since both upper n lower teeth with bracket.I feel pain during eating,biting or chewing..even talking so much.I need to slow down chit chat.
My appetite was turn down.I could eat soft nestum,oat,soft with small doesnt matter for a moment.Later on,it will slowly getting better.
I thought last time with upper side bracket..not really pain like this.

March 19th 2013
 9am Tuesday