Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October treatment

Oct 4th 2012 - I was skip my appointment on Sept 27th 2012 due to having chic pox and I'm not be able to walk around everywhere.
By the way,I'm still not recovering my fever..but never mind.It just to open mouth for a couple of minutes.
So today,Doctor just change rubber again.He supposed to change wire on my right side..because the movement quite slow if just rubber intact.But he didnt.
I've asked Doctor,when are u going to put bracket on my lower teeth?
He said,later after align your teeth..need to put filling again.

Payment RM100
Next appoinment: Nov 8th 2012

June-Dec 2011 - RM1950
Jan-Oct 2012    -RM1000
I thought only cost about RM2500,but now more than that.I just awaiting for lower teeth to be fix.I'v paid for upper & lower teeth..but treatment only on upper teeth.So dissapointed.

Aug 27th 2012 - only rubber change.I dont update properly and capture photo by phone camera only.
I'm still unsatisfied due to no improvement on my right side.

Payment RM100
Next appointment :Sept 27th 2012